Fluchtpunkt Freiheit - 450 Jahre Emder Synode / Escape to Freedom - 450 Years of the Emden Synod
Filmische Annäherung an die Emder Synode / Cinematic approach to the Emden Synod

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Escape to Freedom - 450 Years of the Emden Synod
After the premiere of our German-language documentary about the Emden Synod of 1571 last autumn, the international version of the film has now also been completed. The Lotus Media Network team, in collaboration with three professional translators and voice actors, including the well-known actress Marianne Graffam (Roman Polanski's The Ghost Writer) and Westminster Shakespeare actor Mark Burghagen, has produced a stirring documentary about the historic event for an international audience. The film sheds light on the circumstances and the occasion that led to the Emden Synod and shows the impact this famous assembly has had until today.
Hier gehts zur Kurzfassung des Film.